Better cursed ??
Well, writing a story about something cool is not my style after all but I am also not as cool as the anchor news or story teller, just common guy trying to find a joy to haunt you. Just kidding! Normally, I have a ball for being couch potato all the times, enjoying superhero protect a city from their villain while grabbing a pop corn.

Now, the time has come, here is s my chance to be a rock star in this galaxy! Hip hip hooray!! Hip hip hooray!! Hip hip hooray!!
First of all, I do wanna thank to all of my families and my friends for supporting me till this day. Needless to say, it’s grateful and a pleasure to have met you all folk. Eits, I don’t want to make you cry of this. But if you do, do as you wish and don’t regret it.
Sharing is caring. Knowledge could be dead and buried forever in the deepest hole in earth if nobody is able to pass it on.
I do keep believing in that simple quote. Maybe you could die but a knowledge does not if someone shares. Knowledge determines to what direction a civilization goes. A disastrous or blessed one. You’re the chief of the change, man. What future holds for us is up to us. See, better cursed with knowledge than nothing, right?

So, from now on, will share some of my experience and thought, please I beg you don’t leave me alone in this dreadful night. Winter is coming!!!